Crypto apps

Coinmine app

As of current there isn’t much of a market for algae based trading platforms, so to gauge what is currently provided and used in this sort of space, I had a look at crypto apps. Coinmine is an all in one cryptocoin mining machine you purchase, plug in at home and watch your profits roll in on your phone. Much of the selling for this is taking control of your data, and liberating the control of money. Similar to some of the mission of Algae coin. One issue with this is, as cryptocoins become more scarce the hardware will become outdated, is you have to invest what you earn from this magic box into the next iteration. We shall improve on this model by componentising the hardware, giving the people freedom over their algae monetisation.

Spot cryptocurrency app

Spot allows you to keep track of all you crypto apps in one place. Similar to Yolt for traditional bank accounts. We could mimic a similar model, both opening up the user data collected by our platform and enabling other platforms that utilise other sustainable alternatives to work together.

UI 1.0
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